Dr. Ke Ren (Rita)
Academic Programme Lead in Special Education

Dr. Ke Ren (Rita) holds a First Class B.A. (Hons) in Early Childhood Studies, a M.Ed. in Early Intervention, and a Ph.D. from the School of Education at Trinity College Dublin. Her doctoral research illuminated the critical role of fathers/dads in the lives of children with disabilities, emphasising their pivotal involvement in educational contexts.
With a rich educational background and a passion for inclusive education, Dr. Ren recently assumed the role of Academic Programme Lead in Special Education at ICEPE. In this capacity, she provides dynamic leadership and strategic direction, ensuring that the academic programme in special education aligns seamlessly with institutional goals and educational standards. In additional, her role also involves engaging with professionals in special education within the Chinese/Asian context, nurturing relationships and promoting collaborations and partnerships for mutual benefit.
Dr. Ren’s research interests span a wide range within the field of education, including educational psychology, early intervention, universal design for learning, and play-based learning in early years. However, her primary focus and passion lie in advocating for individuals with special educational needs and/or disabilities. Through her research and academic pursuits, Dr. Ren aims to create inclusive educational environments that cater to the diverse needs of all learners. She places particular emphasis on family experiential issues in early intervention, inclusive education, and the role of fathers/dads in the lives of children with disabilities. Dr. Ren also utilises theoretical approaches, such as the theory of change and Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological model to inform educational practices and research, ultimately aiming to enhance educational and experiential outcomes for all learners.