Dr. Muireann O’Sullivan-Byrne

Dr. Muireann O’Sullivan-Byrne completed her PhD in Inclusive Design and Creative Technology Innovation, with a focus on harnessing virtual technologies and kinaesthetic learning tools for twice exceptional students. Muireann is the recipient of the CAPSL Postgraduate Teaching Award from Trinity College Dublin for her work on assistive technology, has published extensively in the area of 2e and gifted education, and has developed courses and webinars for teacher training and university-style courses in both the Sciences and Humanities. She is also a primary school teacher in Co. Kerry, Ireland, with over 10 years of experience working with DEIS schools and nearly 15 years working in gifted education settings. Muireann’s research interests are rooted in literacy, gifted and twice exceptional education, popular literature, creative digital technologies, multisensory environments, inclusivity, theories such as the Universal Design for Learning and Mayer’s Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning, and her research projects have been overseen by academics from UCD, TCD, and by the late author Sir Terry Pratchett.