Publications & Outputs
Journal Articles
Szproch, A., Kummer, R., Ren, K., Winter, E., MacIntyre, E., & O’Brien, M. (2025). Tackling Ireland’s Psychologist Shortage: The Need for Educational Innovation. (2024). Irish Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 8(1).
Spiteri, R., O’Riordan, M. R., Cefai, C., Hickey, G., & Smith, S. (2023). Early school leaving and trauma-based education: a study in four European countries. Pastoral Care in Education, 41(1), 26-41.
Schönbach, D. M., Tiscareno-Osorno, X., MacIntyre, T. E., Smith, S., MacIntyre, D., & Demetriou, Y. (2022). What socio-demographic characteristics of university students in Southern Germany predict their urban nature connectedness? Plos one, 17(8), e0272344.
Winter, E., Stephen, S. & Szproch, A. (2022). Bouncing Back Post COVID-19: Responding to Needs Arising From the Closure of Educational Settings Within the Irish Primary and Early Years’ Education Sector. Irish Journal of Education, 45(4), 1–24.
O’Brien, M., MacIntyre, D., Smith, S. & Szproch, A. (2021). Strategies to support and boost the resilience of vulnerable students in a time of crisis. Australian Educational Leadership, 43(3), 44-46.
Hickey, G., Smith, S., O’Sullivan, L., McGill, L., Kenny, M., MacIntyre, D., & Gordon, M. (2020). Adverse childhood experiences and trauma informed practices in second chance education settings in the Republic of Ireland: An inquiry-based study. Children and Youth Services Review, 118, 105338.
Cowan, P., Neil, P.S., & Winter, E. C. (2013). A Connectivist Perspective of the Transition from Face to Face to Online Teaching in Higher Education. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, 8(1), 10-19.
Shevlin, M., Winter, E. C., & Flynn P. (2013). Developing inclusive practice: Teacher perspectives of opportunities and constraints in the Republic of Ireland. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 17(10), 1119-1133.
Shevlin, M., Winter, E. C., Rose, R., & O’Raw, P. (2013). Investigating perceptions of the assessment process for pupils with special educational needs within an Irish context. Irish Educational Studies, 32(2), 121-137
Gray, C., & Winter, E. C. (2011). Hearing voices: Participatory research with preschool children with and without disabilities. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 19, 309-320.
Winter, E.C. (2006). Preparing new teachers for Inclusive Schools and Classrooms. Support for Learning, 21(2), 85-91
Carr, A., & MacIntyre, D. (2001). Development of the Stay Safe Program. Child Abuse Review, 9(3), 200-216.
MacIntyre, D., & Carr, A. (1999). Evaluating the effectiveness of stay safe primary prevention programme for child sexual abuse. Child Abuse & Neglect, 23(12), 1307-1325.
Book Chapters:
Quirke, M., Ren, K., & Mc Guckin, C. (2023). Bronfenbrenner and Universal Design – A Tale of Two Theories for Inclusion. In K. Carr-Fanning & G. Niolaki (1st Eds), Psychology for educational inclusion: Identifying and supporting children with SEND. Open University Press. (ISBN:0033525179X-9780335251797).
McGhie-Richmond, D., & Winter, E.C. (2010). Considerations for effective collaborative practice: A reflection on the use of case studies in on-line teacher education learning spaces. In Techniques for fostering collaboration in on-line learning communities: Theoretical and Practical perspectives (pp.124-145). IGI Global: Information Science Reference.
Gray, C., & Winter, E.C. (2011). The ethics of participatory research involving children with special needs. In Researching young children’s perspectives: Debating the ethics and dilemmas of educational research with children (pp.46-56). Routledge.
Ren. K., & MacIntyre, D. (2025). Immigrant Families’ Experiences with Educational Support Services for Children with SEND in Ireland. NABMSE Research Conference: Voice Matters – a collaborative representation of unique perspectives. Marino Institute of Education, Dublin, County Dublin, Ireland, 7th February, 2025.
Kummer, R., Szproch, A., & Ren., K. (2024, November 15). Music Imagery for Resilience and Emotional Regulation. The 2024 PSI Annual Conference, Athlone, Ireland.
Szproch, A., MacIntyre, D., O’Brien, M., Kummer, R., & Ren., K. (2024, November 13). Harnessing Nature for Resilience: The GoGreenRoutes Digital Programme. The 2024 PSI Annual Conference, Athlone, Ireland.
O’Brien, M., Szproch, A., & Kummer, R. (2024, November 11-13). Accessible Educational Pathways into Psychology: Addressing the Needs of Irish Learners [Online Presentation]. 17th Annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Seville, Spain.
Ren, K., & McGuckin, C. (2024, April 5). Diverse voices, common struggles: Navigating education for immigrant children with disabilities through early intervention in Ireland. The Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) Annual Conference: Education For More Just Societies: The Roles of Imagination, Innovation and Collaboration, Maynooth, Ireland.
Szproch, A., O’Brien, M., MacIntyre, D., & Smith, S. (2023, November 8). Implementing a Programme-Wide Positive Behaviour Support Approach in Early Childhood Education and Care in Ireland. The 2023 PSI Annual Conference, Cork, Ireland.
Smith, S., Szproch, A., & O’Brien, M. (2022, July 7). Introducing the PLAY 3D-virtual world – Developing a gamified approach to tackling stress and anxiety in third level students. 17th European Congress of Psychology, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Smith, S., MacIntyre, D., & MacIntyre, T. (2022, July 8). Protocol for the development, implementation, and evaluation of an online training program on psychological resilience within the GoGreenRoutes project. 17th European Congress of Psychology, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
O’Brien, M., Szproch, A., MacIntyre, D., & Smith, S. (2022, November 11). Classroom Management of Behaviour Difficulties in Early Years. The 2022 PSI Annual Conference, Portlaoise, Ireland.
Szproch, A., MacIntyre, D., O’Brien, M., & Smith, S. (2022, November 11). Facilitating More Successful Transitions into School for All Learners: Findings from the Erasmus+-funded TRAINS (Transitions for All Into School) Project. The 2022 PSI Annual Conference, Portlaoise, Ireland.
O’Brien, M. (2021, October 2). Enhancing wellbeing: Connecting with nature in a time of crisis. PESA Wellbeing in Education Conference 2021, Ravenswood School for Girls, Sydney, Australia.
Hickey, G., Smith, S., McGill, L., O’Brien, M., & MacIntyre, D. (2020, February 22). The SAFER Project: Perspectives on, and experiences of, gender stereotypes, gender roles, and gender-based violence in Irish primary schools. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion – Building Community in our Education System Conference, Laois Education Centre, Laois.
Hickey, G., Smith, S., Gordon, M., McIntyre, D., O’Brien, M., O’Sullivan, L., & McGill, L. (2019, November 11). Re-Engaging Early School Leavers in Education: The Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences and the Role of Trauma Informed Practices. Psychological Society of Ireland Annual Conference, Kilkenny, Ireland.
O’ Brien, M., Smith, S., Hickey, G., & MacIntyre, D. (2019, July 18-21). The Impact of a Resilience Programme for Young People Aged 12-18 Years. The 6th International Positive Psychology Association World Congress, Melbourne, Australia.
Cowan, P., Neil, P.S., & Winter, E. C. (2012). The uniqueness of teacher educators as online tutors: What teacher professionalism means online. In Proceedings of EdMedia 2012- World Conference on Educational Media and Technology (pp.2561-2570). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
Neil, P.S., Cowan, P., & Winter, E. C. (2011, Sept. 12-16). Face-Zine the Future: Moving into Digital Spaces. The European Conference of Educational Research (ECER), Berlin, Germany.
Rose, R., Shevlin, M., Winter, E. C., & O’Raw, P. (2011, Sept. 12-16). Investigating inclusive education in Ireland: constructing case studies for the identification of commonalities and exceptionalities. European Educational Research Conference 2011: Urban Education, Berlin, Germany.
Neil, P.S., Cowan, P., & Winter, E. C. (2011, Sept. 6-8). Face-Zine the Future: How are we moving to online teaching? The British Educational-Research Conference (BERA), London, England.
Rose, R., Winter, E. C., O’Raw, P., & Shevlin, M. (2011, June 9-11). Investigating special educational provision in Irish mainstream schools: the perspectives of key stage holders. Irish Association of Teachers in Special Education (IATSE) 23rd Annual International Conference: Teaching & Learning – Forging Ahead, Drumcondra, Dublin.
Gray, C., & Winter, E.C. (2008, Aug. 26-28). Real and perceived ethical barriers to participatory research and children with special needs. 19th Early Childhood Education Research Association Annual Conference, Strasbourg, France.
Blogs and Magazines:
MacIntyre, D., O’Brien, M., & Winter, E.C. (2021). Covid-19: Transitioning back to school. BERA.
MacIntyre, D. (2014). Raising Resilient Children. National Association for Special Educational Needs (NASEN) Connect Magazine, Issue 68.